Submission Guidelines

Final Manuscript (For Accepted Full Manuscript Only)

1. At least one author completing payment. see:

2. The paper meets these IEEE requirements.

2.1 Follows the given IEEE template.

2.2 Copyright transfer to IEEE utilizing the electronic IEEE Copyright Form (eCf). see:

2.3 Clears IEEE plagiarism check (OK if similarity percent is under 30%).

2.4 The standard of English is satisfactory.

2.5 PDF File is IEEE Xplore Compliant.

2.5.1 After creating your final paper using the given template go to the IEEE PDF eXpressTM at .

2.5.2 Click on ‘New User’ option to create your own IEEE PDF eXpressTM account.
Conference ID : 60981X

2.5.3 Upload source file(s) for Conversion and/or PDF(s) for checking. The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.

2.5.4 Proofread the PDF file generated thoroughly. There could be missing symbols, equations, graphs and also errors reported. Please re-prepare the source file and repeat the conversion again. If problem persists, please use the online help provided in the IEEE PDF eXpressTM site.

3. Re-submit both the Final Manuscript in IEEE Compliant PDF format and in Doc/Docx format in the EDAS system at .

4. Assign presenter for your paper in the EDAS system at .

Review Manuscript (First and Revised Manuscript)

1. To submit your full paper, please first log in or sign up on the EDAS system at . All submissions will be evaluated for relevance, technical merit, and clarity.

2. Use the IEEE template to prepare your paper. The total length should be between 4 to 6 pages, including reference pages, and formatted in A4 size.

3. Submit your paper in either .doc or .docx format for the initial review.

4. If your paper is accepted, you must submit the final version as an IEEE-compliant PDF file. Instructions for preparing the final paper will be sent only to authors of accepted submissions.

5. During the submission process, select one track and up to three related topics that best describe your paper. This information will help the committee assign the most appropriate reviewers and schedule sessions.

6. You may edit your submission as often as needed, provided it is done before the stated submission deadline. After the deadline, no further changes, re-submissions, additions of co-authors, or rearrangements of author listing are permitted.

7. After you submit, you will receive a Paper ID. Please refer to this ID in all subsequent correspondence.

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